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Marcel Mika
Warning: Some of your plugins have the same deployment contexts
January 8, 2015 4:17 AM

Marcel Mika

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 8

Join Date: March 30, 2013

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Hi guys,

I decided to release two versions of my paid app - Starter and Premium. The starter edition will have all the features like the premium edition with one exception - it will only work for a limited number of simultaneously logged users.

The premium version is already on the marketplace. So I created a new starter app and uploaded the war file that is identical to the premium one. The only difference is that the limit mechanism is turned on. Afterwards, I'm getting this warning:

Some of your plugins have the same deployment context

Actually, this is something I want. Both apps are the same, only one of them has the limit mechanism turned on. Is my app going to be rejected because of this warning? Or is it just a warning and if I provide a clarification it will be fine?

Many thanks for the answer!
Ryan Park
RE: Warning: Some of your plugins have the same deployment contexts
January 8, 2015 9:50 AM

Ryan Park

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 5

Join Date: August 27, 2007

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Hi Marcel,

It is a warning for your convenience ensure you haven't accidentally uploaded the wrong plugins. You will not be rejected because of this warning unless our team identifies a major issue with this warning. For example, if a developer attempts to submit 20 different themes that have the same deployment contexts, the Marketplace team will not approve them. Instead we will reach out and work with the developer to get the themes on to the Marketplace that makes the most sense for customer, developer and Liferay.

Thanks for asking and placing your app on the Marketplace!
Marcel Mika
RE: Warning: Some of your plugins have the same deployment contexts
January 8, 2015 12:25 PM

Marcel Mika

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 8

Join Date: March 30, 2013

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Dear Ryan,

thanks a lot for the quick reply. I'm marking this as answered.


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