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Marcel Mika
Lite and Paid versions of the same app
June 28, 2014 11:58 PM

Marcel Mika

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 8

Join Date: March 30, 2013

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Hi guys,

I submitted an app to the marketplace a year ago when there wasn't any paid/free option. Simply everything was for free. I will be updating my app soon and I still want to keep it free. However, I also want to monetize my app and add some advanced paid features in the future. Generally, is there a possibility to release two versions of the same app (e.g. Lite and Paid) ? Lite version will have all the basic functionality and Paid will include some extra features? Also, if I have already submitted my app as "free", can I offer it as "paid" now?

Caleb Fong
RE: Lite and Paid versions of the same app
June 29, 2014 8:51 AM

Caleb Fong

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 1

Join Date: January 24, 2011

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Hi Marcel,

Marcel Mika:
Generally, is there a possibility to release two versions of the same app (e.g. Lite and Paid) ? Lite version will have all the basic functionality and Paid will include some extra features?

Yes, you can maintain a "lite" and a "paid" version on Marketplace. Just make sure names and icons are not exactly the same.

Marcel Mika:
Also, if I have already submitted my app as "free", can I offer it as "paid" now?

This is not possible due to the licensing model.

Marcel Mika
RE: Lite and Paid versions of the same app
June 29, 2014 9:41 AM

Marcel Mika

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 8

Join Date: March 30, 2013

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Hi Caleb, thanks for the quick answer,

so if I remove the old app from the market place and submit the new one under different name, I can avoid the licensing model issue? On the other hand, the new app has different design and different functionality but similar idea. Should I rather keep the old version in marketplace and just submit the new app? I have quite a lot downloads but I don't want to maintain the old version.

Also, I'm not 100% sure if I submit two apps with the same package (e.g. the second submission will not be allowed so I will need to rename the root package in the paid version if I want to have lite and paid version together on marketplace?

Caleb Fong
RE: Lite and Paid versions of the same app
June 29, 2014 11:25 AM

Caleb Fong

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 1

Join Date: January 24, 2011

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Hi Marcel

Marcel Mika:
so if I remove the old app from the market place and submit the new one under different name, I can avoid the licensing model issue? On the other hand, the new app has different design and different functionality but similar idea. Should I rather keep the old version in marketplace and just submit the new app? I have quite a lot downloads but I don't want to maintain the old version.

You can have both on the Marketplace if you wish. And you are not required to maintain it if that is also your wish. Just let your customers know the differences between the two and if you plan to no longer update one of them.

Marcel Mika:
Also, I'm not 100% sure if I submit two apps with the same package (e.g. the second submission will not be allowed so I will need to rename the root package in the paid version if I want to have lite and paid version together on marketplace?

You are correct. It is the package name that has to be unique or Marketplace will not allow you to upload it. The app title differences are for users so they can easily determine between your apps.
Marcel Mika
RE: Lite and Paid versions of the same app
June 29, 2014 11:28 AM

Marcel Mika

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 8

Join Date: March 30, 2013

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Thanks a lot. I appreciate your help.
Ryan Park
RE: Lite and Paid versions of the same app
August 8, 2014 3:30 PM

Ryan Park

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 5

Join Date: August 27, 2007

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Hi Marcel,

I would like to clarify for Caleb the Marketplace policies with regards to apps and the plugins within.

First, Java package names are not inspected and 2 apps are allowed to have the same package name. This is because each plugin has its own classloader so even if 2 plugins had the same package name it would not conflict with each other.

Second, a deployment context path is reserved for each developer and it is first come first serve.

For example, if I develop and I am first to upload "my-amazing-portlet.war". "my-amazing-portlet" is now reserved across Marketplace. No other developer is allowed to upload a plugin that would have that context name once it is deployed. However, I am allowed to upload "my-amazing-portlet.war" to any of my own apps.

I hope this clears up any confusion.



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