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Eli Miz
help with dependency-jars and versions
August 15, 2013 1:38 PM

Eli Miz

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 0

Join Date: August 11, 2013

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Hi Team,

Couple questions. That I really could use help on now.

1. I have downloaded several marketplace apps; and am uncertain as what to enter in portal-dependency-jars in the And how to enter it appropriately.

Does it come out of my POMS dependencies :

2. I also have tested my app with successfully with 6.1 CE GA2 (with the workaround for LPS-29103) and can confirm the portlets deploy to 6.2 Beta 1. . What would be the appropriate liferay-versions value?

3. And what about the war file name; some people use xxxx-portlet- and some do xxxx-portlet- Is it irrelevant?

4. I want to submit with PACL disabled; do I need to add all this security-manager info on the

5. In addition I have tested with both Tomcat and JBOSS bundles; JBOSS bundle requires explicit MySQL dialect configuration in the persistence unit to work (JBOSS 7.0 AS bug among many)

The code and build:

James Falkner
RE: help with dependency-jars and version
August 15, 2013 1:44 PM

James Falkner

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 0

Join Date: September 17, 2010

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Eli Miz:
Hi Team,

Couple questions. That I really could use help on now.

1. I have downloaded several marketplace apps; and am uncertain as what to enter in portal-dependency-jars in the And how to enter it appropriately.

Are you intending on bundling copies of apps you downloaded into your own app? You can do this, but be aware that many apps have a license associated with them that requires special steps to do this, to abide by the license.

2. I also have tested my app with successfully with 6.1 CE GA2 (with the workaround for LPS-29103) and can confirm the portlets deploy to 6.2 Beta 1. . What would be the appropriate liferay-versions value?

If your app works with 6.1 CE GA2, you can put "liferay-versions=6.1.1+" in your file. If you also intend to support 6.1 EE, you should put "liferay-versions=6.1.1+,6.1.20+".

You cannot yet mention 6.2 in your file, as that does not exist (we are only at beta) - it's great to hear your app works with it, though! Once the 6.2 GA is released, you will need to update your app to include 6.2.0+ (and potentially 6.2.10+, or whatever version we end up calling 6.2 EE).

3. And what about the war file name; some people use xxxx-portlet- and some do xxxx-portlet- Is it irrelevant?

See the official Marketplace developer docs for details about naming.

4. I want to submit with PACL disabled; do I need to add all this security-manager info on the

Nope! If you don't intend to use PACL, all you need is "security-manager-enabled=false" in your properties file.

5. In addition I have tested with both Tomcat and JBOSS bundles; JBOSS bundle requires explicit MySQL dialect configuration in the persistence unit to work (JBOSS 7.0 AS bug among many)

Well good on ya for reporting this! Hopefully someone else hitting this will find your valuable information. Do you happen to have an explicit pointer to the jboss bug?


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