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PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 6:02 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 24, 2013 6:30 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 6:58 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 24, 2013 7:05 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 7:09 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 7:19 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Jack Bakker April 24, 2013 7:43 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 7:51 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 8:12 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 24, 2013 8:31 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 24, 2013 8:34 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Jack Bakker April 24, 2013 9:46 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 10:15 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 10:11 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 10:18 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 24, 2013 10:23 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 24, 2013 10:32 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 10:40 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 24, 2013 10:44 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 24, 2013 10:47 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 10:50 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Jack Bakker April 24, 2013 3:42 PM
RE: PACL and executing java... Raymond Augé April 25, 2013 9:04 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... Jack Bakker April 25, 2013 9:40 AM
RE: PACL and executing java... David H Nebinger April 24, 2013 10:34 AM
David H Nebinger
PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 6:02 AM

David H Nebinger

Rank: Youngling

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So security-manager-files-execute is used to indicate that a plugin is going to execute a process. The examples from the dev guide seem to indicate that the full path is required...

So how does one indicate that a plugin is going to spawn a java app? Or any app that happens to be in the server's path?

Does it handle knowing that "java" may be just "java", but it also might be "java.exe", or do I have to specify both?
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 6:30 AM

Raymond Augé

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You don't need a full path. You can use any of the many expansions available:

These are being documented and should be available with the next documentation updates.
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 6:58 AM

David H Nebinger

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Yeah, I saw all of these and actually use some of them, but how would I specify that I'm going to be running "java"? On a windows box it would be "java.exe" but on a unix or mac system it would be just "java". And for the different jvms, do they all use the name "java"?

This leads to another question, the java process I want to launch will be using some jars. Does the portal's PACL security apply to the java process in some way?
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 7:05 AM

Raymond Augé

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You have to indicate all possibilities. That is the nature of binary executables!

You'd have to do the same thing in straight up java security to cover the cross platform cases. Same goes for libraries, where you it may be called .so on Linux, but .dll on windows. Your security policy has to cover all the possible cases you want to support.

No security will be applied to this sub process.
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 7:09 AM

David H Nebinger

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To that end, I guess it would be better to create a shell and batch script. The scripts can invoke java based on the system's java location, but I can specify for PACL the location of the scripts...
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 7:19 AM

David H Nebinger

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Or am I missing an obvious way to use %JAVA_HOME%/bin/java.exe or $JAVA_HOME/bin/java?
Jack Bakker
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 7:43 AM

Jack Bakker

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Good luck Ray with avoiding the eek over different o/s. Hmmm... PACL or OSGi, I say you focus on OSGi - it is fundamental ; can't answer everything especially in the social
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 7:51 AM

David H Nebinger

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Who am I to direct Liferay's priorities? emoticon

Marketplace plugins or OSGI? Both would seem to be tough nuts to crack...
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 8:12 AM

David H Nebinger

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Ah, well, I wrote up a bug for it so the idea doesn't get lost. It's LPS-34711.
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 8:31 AM

Raymond Augé

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Hey Dave! Why not simply call the Java compiler API rather than call the java process?

OTOH, adding ${java.home} to the list of expansions is not a bad idea.
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 8:34 AM

Raymond Augé

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Also, a useful, but missing, expansion is not a "bug".

Can you change it to a feature request? If not, will you allow me to change it?
Jack Bakker
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 9:46 AM

Jack Bakker

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OSGi might also have Vaadin oppottunities to solve Liferay theme vs Vaadin theme

Feature requests come in, prioritization often elusive...

who am I ... just a guy
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:11 AM

David H Nebinger

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Ray Augé:
Hey Dave! Why not simply call the Java compiler API rather than call the java process?

OTOH, adding ${java.home} to the list of expansions is not a bad idea.

In the bug I mention I need it because I'm doing a "vaadin widgetset compile". Even though it's called a "compile", it is not a java compiler invocation...
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:15 AM

David H Nebinger

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Ray Augé:
Also, a useful, but missing, expansion is not a "bug".

Can you change it to a feature request? If not, will you allow me to change it?

You're call, but IMHO it really is a matter of perspective...

From your side, sure I see it as an enhancement and not really a bug.

From my side, lack of support will keep my plugin out of the marketplace, so it is more of a bug than an enhancement.

Truly I understand the bulk of the work you guys are doing on PACL, and I understand the reasoning behind it (Apple and especially Android support the same sort of security features so a user can choose not to install an app once they see how much access it wants to get). And I don't expect that you'll ever get PACL to the point that it deals with every possible permission that folks on the net would want to use.

I just wonder if this, like perhaps some others, may be use cases that exist outside Liferay and how these use cases get addressed...
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:18 AM

David H Nebinger

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Ray Augé:
Adding ${java.home} to the list of expansions is not a bad idea.

A worthwhile expansion, yes, but it won't cover the general case I mentioned in the bug, i.e. the plugin needs to invoke some system application (I mentioned diff as an example), but from a plugin perspective you have no idea where it would be on the system, so how do you indicate you need an app that is on the system (maybe a default system tool, maybe listed as a requirement for the app in the marketplace, whatever) and you're going to use it but don't know where it actually resides?
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:23 AM

Raymond Augé

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Why can't you expect it to be in the PATH?

This is an environment variable design for exactly that purpose.

But really, this is going beyond a problem with Liferay. You're making some assumptions on the host system anyway. What if there IS no "diff" installed (windows)! How will your plugin deal with that?
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:32 AM

Raymond Augé

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One thing I could probably change is that rather than using the present list of expansions, we could simply delegate replacement to matching any system property key (as pure java security does).

Would that address your issue?
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:34 AM

David H Nebinger

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Ray Augé:
Why can't you expect it to be in the PATH?

This is an environment variable design for exactly that purpose.

But really, this is going beyond a problem with Liferay. You're making some assumptions on the host system anyway. What if there IS no "diff" installed (windows)! How will your plugin deal with that?

I would expect the tool to be on the PATH. I guess I don't know how to write up the file w/ the security-manager-xxx values to indicate that I'm going to read/exec "diff" for example; right now it looks like I'd have to know the actual path to where the tool would be on someone else's system and specify a full path for the security-manager properties...

Then there's the whole "diff" vs "diff.exe" thing (where windows would run from the command line "diff", but actually executes "diff.exe" or "diff.bat" or even "diff.cmd"), where I have no real idea what platform someone might be running Liferay on (wasn't zOS supported at one point emoticon)...

As far as diff not being available, if I were putting such a plugin in the marketplace I'd include, in the description, that the tool needs to have some version of diff installed; if the end user doesn't have diff and installs my plugin and it results in "portlet is not available", well who is really to blame?

I'm certainly not trying to make things hard. I'm just looking to specify in security-manager properties that I'm going to invoke some command, whether "java" or "diff" or "xxx" and that PACL would know that I'm trying to run an app that must be in the PATH and may or may not have some system-dependent extension, and that all of these possibilities are okay because the plugin indicates it needs that access, and the admin can determine whether or not they will install the plugin.
David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:40 AM

David H Nebinger

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Ray Augé:
One thing I could probably change is that rather than using the present list of expansions, we could simply delegate replacement to matching any system property key (as pure java security does).

Would that address your issue?

I think so...

Another option might be to use Define a property for allowed applications, possibly some sort of "short-name=full-path" mapping. That way the plugin could say "security-manager-files-execute=java", and PACL sees that there is a "java=c:/path/to/allowed/java" mapping and allows the plugin to run it.

That may actually be a good idea. I as the administrator could define a specific version of java that plugins deployed in the portal would use and the path that goes along with it. If I as the admin choose not to add a "java=full-path" thing, then PACL knows I don't want a plugin to invoke java. Likewise I as the admin could indicate where diff is, etc.
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:44 AM

Raymond Augé

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But that's adding a whole new level of complexity.

Why not just have a similar expectation you stated eariler and just expect that there is a JAVA_HOME environment variable set! State that in your description and then if the system variables are available as expansions, you would have:


Isn't that much simpler?
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:47 AM

Raymond Augé

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If it happens to be some diff impl, just have the requirement:

"Set the environment variable DIFF_EXECUTABLE to the value of a POSIX diff impl."

David H Nebinger
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 10:50 AM

David H Nebinger

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Yep, I know the complexities just keep multiplying emoticon

If supported, then ${env.JAVA_HOME}/bin/java example would certainly handle my current needs.

And the ${env.DIFF_EXECUTABLE} would also address "diff", so I'd be covered...

Wonderful! When can I expect it to be implemented? emoticon Just kidding, I know you guys have other priorities...
Jack Bakker
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 24, 2013 3:42 PM

Jack Bakker

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Awesome how many canadian teams in the playoffs. I say go leafs, but might have to wonder why the Habs are so winning this year. No complexity there.
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 25, 2013 9:04 AM

Raymond Augé

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Jack, I'm hoping that the Jets make it so that we have all 4 Eastern teams in the playoffs.. not sure how long it's been since that happened. emoticon
Jack Bakker
RE: PACL and executing java...
April 25, 2013 9:40 AM

Jack Bakker

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Jets are so close... notice how David is staying quiet on this front despite his likely winning team... but then he is pretty good at staying on topic. And on that note...


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