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Jonatan Cloutier
How does marketplace apps work with external dependancies
June 28, 2019 2:13 PM

Jonatan Cloutier

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 1

Join Date: June 7, 2013

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I’m developing an app that depend on external dependencies as osgi bundle. How does the market place manage those dependencies?

Do I need to bundle them with my app? Wouldn’t that risk to create conflict on the Liferay instance if the same dependencies are bundled in different versions? (I know osgi check the versions but it’s not every lib that really follow SemVer.)

Or do we let the user resolve the dependency problem with the help of a little documentation?

I do hope there is a good solution to this.
Patricia Draut
RE: How does marketplace apps work with external dependancies
July 4, 2019 5:32 AM

Patricia Draut

Rank: Youngling

Posts: 8

Join Date: August 24, 2011

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Hi Jonatan,

Can you please post your question in the community forums, for example in this category:
This part of Marketplace is in process of being removed.

Thank you,


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