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Sébastien Meunier
Security manager problem: listener blocked
2013年8月2日 上午9:13

Sébastien Meunier

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2010年1月26日



We would like to publish an application to the marketplace, for the 2013 marketplace app contest.

Publishing an application to the marketplace requires to enable the security manager.
Our application uses a listener (in web.xml) to initialize its context, but this listener doesn't work when the security manager is enabled.

It seems that this is a known issue for 6.1 CE version (see http://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-37587).

Have you met this issue? How did you handle it?
What solution do you suggest so that we can publish this application to the marketplace for the 6.1 CE ga2 version of liferay ?

Additional challenge: Note that we don't have access to an enterprise version or to the 6.1 CE ga3 that is supposed to fix bugs with the security manager. We haven't planned to port it to version 6.2 yet.

Thanks all
James Falkner
RE: Security manager problem: listener blocked
2013年8月2日 上午9:22

James Falkner

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2010年9月17日


Sébastien Meunier:

We would like to publish an application to the marketplace, for the 2013 marketplace app contest.

Publishing an application to the marketplace requires to enable the security manager.
Our application uses a listener (in web.xml) to initialize its context, but this listener doesn't work when the security manager is enabled.

It seems that this is a known issue for 6.1 CE version (see http://issues.liferay.com/browse/LPS-37587).

Have you met this issue? How did you handle it?
What solution do you suggest so that we can publish this application to the marketplace for the 6.1 CE ga2 version of liferay ?

Additional challenge: Note that we don't have access to an enterprise version or to the 6.1 CE ga3 that is supposed to fix bugs with the security manager. We haven't planned to port it to version 6.2 yet.

Thanks all

Hey Sébastien, thanks for putting (or wanting to put) your apps on the Marketplace! Note that the use of PACL is now optional - during the publishing process, you can check a box (or uncheck it) to indicate that your app does not work with PACL enabled. So if PACL is the only thing holding you back from working, just turn it off and ensure to un-check the "Uses Security Manager" when you are publishing your app to the Marketplace.

That issue (LPS-37587) is fixed in the upcoming GA3 build, as you correctly point out, but you shouldn't have to wait for that.
Sébastien Meunier
RE: Security manager problem: listener blocked
2013年8月5日 上午3:38

Sébastien Meunier

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2010年1月26日


Thank you!

You may want to have this changed in the documentation because it looks like it's a requirement to have it enabled:
Property security-manager-enabled must be set to true. [...] Every app you submit on the Marketplace must use this framework.
James Falkner
RE: Security manager problem: listener blocked
2013年8月7日 下午1:46

James Falkner

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2010年9月17日


Sébastien Meunier:
Thank you!

You may want to have this changed in the documentation because it looks like it's a requirement to have it enabled:
Property security-manager-enabled must be set to true. [...] Every app you submit on the Marketplace must use this framework.

Yeah, we are in the process of updating those docs, thanks for the nudge emoticon


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