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Wasim Shaikh
Are themes and layouts will be part of Market place?
31 de Janeiro de 2012 06:11

Wasim Shaikh

Ranking: Youngling

Mensagens: 0

Data de entrada: 16 de Julho de 2009

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I am planning to put some themes that I have created to put it on Marketplace. Is there any section to add custom themes and layouts.
James Falkner
RE: Are themes and layouts will be part of Market place?
31 de Janeiro de 2012 08:55

James Falkner

Ranking: Youngling

Mensagens: 0

Data de entrada: 17 de Setembro de 2010

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wasim shaikh:
I am planning to put some themes that I have created to put it on Marketplace. Is there any section to add custom themes and layouts.

Hey Wasim, this is a great question! And the answer is yes, since themes and layout templates are true Liferay plugins (i.e. hot deployable) you can upload those like any other Liferay app.

We will have a separate section for themes and layouts.

I plan on doing a blog post about a Marketplace update later this week.
Wasim Shaikh
RE: Are themes and layouts will be part of Market place?
1 de Fevereiro de 2012 01:22

Wasim Shaikh

Ranking: Youngling

Mensagens: 0

Data de entrada: 16 de Julho de 2009

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This is good news for me emoticon
RE: Are themes and layouts will be part of Market place?
26 de Junho de 2012 10:57


The file that gets deployed will be a .lpkg which is pretty much a zip file of the different wars that you want deployed. So lets say you have a theme that needs particular layout to be deployed. you would add the dependencies in the by adding

Then you would include 1-3-1-columns-layouttpl.war and my-theme.war in the my-theme.lpkg file that gets uploaded to marketplace. I also hope to talk about the Resources Importer at the North American Symposium in Oct.
Hitoshi Ozawa
RE: Are themes and layouts will be part of Market place?
26 de Junho de 2012 14:27

Hitoshi Ozawa

Ranking: Youngling

Mensagens: 0

Data de entrada: 23 de Março de 2010

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The file that gets deployed will be a .lpkg which is pretty much a zip file of the different wars that you want deployed. So lets say you have a theme that needs particular layout to be deployed. you would add the dependencies in the by adding

This this going to be officially documented in the's documentation section?
Wasim Shaikh
RE: Are themes and layouts will be part of Market place?
2 de Agosto de 2012 17:30

Wasim Shaikh

Ranking: Youngling

Mensagens: 0

Data de entrada: 16 de Julho de 2009

Mensagens recentes

Hi Brad,

As per this link, we can upload *.war file, so will it automatically create LPKG file ?


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