Portal Instance Preference

Personalize your preferences for your portal instance.
You can perform CRUD operation on the preferences.
Apply the properties changes on the fly by adding/updating the properties via preferences and reading those via PrefsPropsUtil.java instead of PropsUtil.java.
You can remove the custom added preferences or even default preferences. If you remove the preference which override property value then the preference will be removed and returns the default property.
Any changes done via Control Panel Configuration, Liferay will always override it as a Preferences over Property Configuration and there is no way to revert it back individually. Now with the help of this mechanism, it allows you to revert back by removing that individual preference. E.g. Liferay doesn't allow to revert LDAP Configuration done via Control Panel interface which can be done using this utility.
It also allow to search any property or preference with key/value. It even search when you enter partial key or value.

Últimas Mudanças

Resolved Bug, Now it will allow to update Preferences for Server administration properties also which will not there earlier version.

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