Portal Mind Map

  • Labs: Esse app é experimental e não é suportado pelo desenvolvedor.

Human minds understand in the radial view style. So this portlet represents the Organization structure of the portal in the mindmap format which gives a radial view representing the organizations and the Users associated for the selected organizations.
On selecting the Users It also represents the Roles that belongs to the User.
This portlet will help portal Admin to track upto N level of the organizations and Users of the organizations.
This portlet also helps the User of the portal to know which all the organizations he belongs also the Roles of the User.
Portlet is developed using primefaces JSF mindmap concept which allows you to represent the data in the radial view.
Portlet First View represents the All the Root level organization of the portal. Click on any Organization will give you all the sub organization of the selected Organization and also the Users of the selected Organizations. Admin can view the entire portal whereas user can only see the details of which Organization and Role he has.
On double click will give the details in the Dialog box

Portlet Specifications
Liferay portal 6.1 ga2 CE
Primefaces JSF portlet

In future will represent even the USERGROUP as well.

For any doubts or clarity please contact any time

Mohammed Azam
+91 9844312975
+9180 42408181

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