Liferay Seattle User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from Seattle


Liferay Seattle User Group #

Welcome to the Liferay Seattle User Group.  Our goal is to form a group of people in Seattle that work with, have used, are investigating, or are simply interested in Liferay and are located in Seattle.

Latest News #

Welome to the Group!  Please register and come along to our inaugrual meetup - see Upcoming Events below.

Upcoming Events #

The Seattle Liferay Portal Interest Group will be having their first Meetup at the Blue Star Cafe and Pub on January 23rd at 6PM.  See Details here.

See the Full Calendar for all events.

Join #

The Liferay Seattle User Group is always seeking new members to join in the discussion and participate in the group.

To join, simply email

Frequently Asked Questions #

See the FAQ page

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