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Bem-vindo à Comunidade do Liferay! Este espaço é onde a comunidade open source da Liferay se reune para partilhar conhecimentos, debater novas funcionalidades, e construir relações de trabalho.
The release of Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA4 is now available! Download it now: [Tomcat Bundle] [Wildfly Bundle] [Source Code] [Other bundles and Files] [Detailed Install Instructions]. And more details.
As a part of our ongoing commitment to our Community we have launched several new initiatives. For more details see:
The release of Liferay Portal 7.0 CE GA3 is now available! Download it now: [Tomcat Bundle] [Wildfly Bundle] [Source Code] [Other bundles and Files] [Detailed Install Instructions]. And more details.
As part of the continuing move to Liferay Developer Network, check out our new Participage Page, Activities Page & Community Tour - showcasing the easiest ways to get involved.