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Albert Coronado Calzada
Error submiting for review
18 dicembre 2012 9.15

Albert Coronado Calzada

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 10 febbraio 2009

Messaggi recenti


I have uploaded my war correctly but when I try to submit for revision the system show this errar message "Please remove invalid files uploaded in any of the packages.".

I have uploaded only one war file and there are no invalid files.

Someone have de same problem? thanks.
James Falkner
RE: Error submiting for review
18 dicembre 2012 9.37

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Albert Coronado Calzada:

I have uploaded my war correctly but when I try to submit for revision the system show this errar message "Please remove invalid files uploaded in any of the packages.".

I have uploaded only one war file and there are no invalid files.

Someone have de same problem? thanks.

I believe this is a known bug (which the Marketplace team is working on).

See this thread for reasons and workaround.
Albert Coronado Calzada
RE: Error submiting for review
18 dicembre 2012 9.46

Albert Coronado Calzada

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 10 febbraio 2009

Messaggi recenti

Hi James,

You are right, that was the problem. My WAR file name's was 'list-portlet-', when I changed the name by 'list-portlet-' worked fine. Only 4 digits for the version!!!

Thanks emoticon
James Falkner
RE: Error submiting for review
18 dicembre 2012 9.50

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Albert Coronado Calzada:
Hi James,

You are right, that was the problem. My WAR file name's was 'list-portlet-', when I changed the name by 'list-portlet-' worked fine. Only 4 digits for the version!!!

Thanks emoticon

"4 digits ought to be enough for anybody" :-)


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