Collaborative Document Editing with OnlyOffice

Collaborative Document Editing with OnlyOffice is a SMC plugins allows your end users to create, edit and co-edit documents inside Liferay Document and Media Library using a web browser thanks to OnlyOffice Platform.

Out of the box this plugin uses a demo installation of OnlyOffice provided by SMC. In order to use our software, your Liferay needs to have a public virtualHost. Read the documentation for details.

If you need to use this plugin on Liferay versions before 7.0 CE GA6 and DXP GA1 sp7 fill out the support form.

Latest Changes
  • This release is for Liferay 7.2 CE and DXP.
  • Moved configuration to OSGi
  • Fix BackURL in add and edit window
  • Support OnlyOffice JWTToken
  • Fixes and improvements

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