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Cameron McBride
How to tell if PACL is enabled?
31 octobre 2012 10:38

Cameron McBride

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 0

Date d'inscription: 8 février 2011

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Is there some easy way I tell if my "security-manager-enabled=true" is working? I am running 6.1 CE GA2. I see nothing on startup about PACL.

I have deployed my portlet, which I'm sure should fail but I see no warnings or errors on deployment or when using the portlet.

What is some simple line I could add to my portlet that would definitely cause a PACL error?
Cameron McBride
RE: How to tell if PACL is enabled?
31 octobre 2012 16:14

Cameron McBride

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 0

Date d'inscription: 8 février 2011

Publications Récentes

I have looked in the portal console at Portal Properties and I can see that it is set to true:
security-manager-enabled true

I also tried downloading several portlets from the market and none so far have had any permissions in the file.

Continuing on impossible hunt I tried adding in some code to download from the url This should trigger the socket security ( but it does not.
Cameron McBride
RE: How to tell if PACL is enabled?
31 octobre 2012 16:35

Cameron McBride

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 0

Date d'inscription: 8 février 2011

Publications Récentes

Got it. You have to put the security-manager-enabled=true in both your and in the of the portlet.
Shinn Lok
RE: How to tell if PACL is enabled?
1 novembre 2012 13:37

Shinn Lok

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 0

Date d'inscription: 14 janvier 2011

Publications Récentes

Just to clarify, security-manager-enabled=true is not needed in your In fact, it doesn't do anything as there's no such portal property.
Cameron McBride
RE: How to tell if PACL is enabled?
1 novembre 2012 17:05

Cameron McBride

Rang: Youngling

Publications: 0

Date d'inscription: 8 février 2011

Publications Récentes

Thanks! I have removed it from my portal-ext.


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