Liferay UK User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from the United Kingdom

1st event

1st Liferay UK user group event in London #


  • 6.45 Group Introduction by Marc
  • 7pm Go round participants
  • 7.10 Presentation on velocity templates by Tom Campbell
  • 7.30 Q&A
  • 7.50 Pizza break
  • 8pm Mini-brainstormings
  • 8.40 Vote on next event's speakers/presentation
  • 8.50 Closing
  • 9pm End meeting

Our most recent London meet up was on Monday 11 June, where we had the chance to chat with Tom Campbell, CTO at Yummi Interactive and GOSPOKEN, who shared his Liferay expertise on using velocity templates and structures to produce formatted articles.

Don't worry if you missed out this time around - there will be plenty more as the group continues to grow and gain momentum!

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Richard Hering

Miembro completo

Ben Brown

Technology Manager


Dimitrios Zigkos

Miembro completo

Ceri Wild

LGA Corporate Website...

Ernout van der Waard


Siva Reddy

Liferay Developer

Hardik Pathak

Miembro completo

Lanre Ogunbayo

Miembro completo

Elinor Ni Chathain

Miembro completo

richard naoufal

Miembro completo

Laban Mwansa

Product Technical Trainer

Chris Morris

Miembro completo

Kathryn Manning

Miembro completo

Andrew Long

Miembro completo

Robin Keith

Head of Web and...

Simon Kehoe

Miembro completo

Sarah Jennings

Miembro completo

Paul Hussein

Miembro completo

Faisal Hossain

Web Systems Manager

Kristian Hibberd

Miembro completo

Richard Hering

Miembro completo

Matt Fulford

Miembro completo

Liz Copeland

Miembro completo

Ben Collins

Miembro completo

lou cat

Miembro completo

Paul Brown

Miembro completo

Ben Brown

Technology Manager

Aniket Bharambe

Solution Architect

Mark Berthelemy

Managing Director

John Baker

Miembro completo

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Miembro completo