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Samita Bhujbal
Ext deployment causes server shutdown
9. Juli 2013 23:20

Samita Bhujbal

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 5. Juli 2011

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I am working in liferay 6.1.1. I have created ext for Calendar portlet to add 2 extra values in add event form. It is working fine on local environment.
But when I deployed it to staging server, server gets stopped. What might be the reason behind this???
Apoorva Prakash
RE: Ext deployment causes server shutdown
10. Juli 2013 05:30

Apoorva Prakash

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 15. Juni 2010

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Samita Bhujbal:
I am working in liferay 6.1.1. I have created ext for Calendar portlet to add 2 extra values in add event form. It is working fine on local environment.
But when I deployed it to staging server, server gets stopped. What might be the reason behind this???

Hi Samita,

It will be easier to intercept issue if you can put some log.

Thanks and Regards,
Apoorva Prakash
Samita Bhujbal
RE: Ext deployment causes server shutdown
11. Juli 2013 23:08

Samita Bhujbal

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 5. Juli 2011

Neue Beiträge

Hey issue was different. Got it resolved now.


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