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Philippe Tran
Spring-based app with security-manager-enabled on LR 6.2.0 M5
14. Mai 2013 02:40

Philippe Tran

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 22. Januar 2009

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Hi everyone,

I am struggling to make my Spring-based app installed with Liferay 6.2.0 M5 with security-manager-enabled, because of the bean dependency-injection nature of Spring (+ cglib). Moreover, I use logback for logging purposes.

I admit I don't understand very well the security-manager-get-bean-property, security-manager-get-bean-property and class-loader documentation...

Right now, I have 3 kinds of problems:
1. when loading the Spring root context, I am stuck with the Attempted to get protection domain error, because net.sf.cglib.core.ReflectUtils calls Class<T>.getProtectionDomain()
2. when loading the annotated portlet, I got the Attempted to access declared members error because org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils use of Class<T>.getDeclaredMethods()
3. lastly, logback use of Class<T>.getProtectionDomain() and Class<T>.getClassLoader() results in Attempted to get protection domain and Attempted to get a class loader errors

My liferay-plugin-package.properties are set as:




But I can't get through... I thought security-manager-get-bean-property would let org.springframework.core.annotation.AnnotationUtils use of Class<T>.getDeclaredMethods(), and security-manager-class-loader-reference-ids would let logback use Class<T>.getClassLoader().

Do you guys have any idea about this ?

Thanks in advance,
David H Nebinger
RE: Spring-based app with security-manager-enabled on LR 6.2.0 M5
14. Mai 2013 05:32

David H Nebinger

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 44

Eintrittsdatum: 1. September 2006

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Use the generator option, this will help identify the right rules you need to have.

If I remember correctly, there's a bug open on PACL and annotations, so there may still be a problem there that will block you...
Philippe Tran
RE: Spring-based app with security-manager-enabled on LR 6.2.0 M5
14. Mai 2013 06:55

Philippe Tran

Rang: Youngling

Nachrichten: 0

Eintrittsdatum: 22. Januar 2009

Neue Beiträge

Hi David,

I have tried the "generate" option, but nothing comes out :-(


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