Liferay Faces

What is Liferay Faces?


Liferay Faces is an open source umbrella project that provides support for the JavaServer™ Faces (JSF) standard in webapp and portlet projects. Visit for online demos, project templates (archetypes), and dependency configuration.

Liferay Faces Bridge

The Liferay Faces Bridge sub-project is a portlet bridge for JSF that provides the ability to deploy JSF web applications as portlets within Liferay Portal.

Liferay Faces Portal

The Liferay Faces Portal sub-project provides JSF utilities, EL keywords, and a suite of JSF UI components that are Facelet equivalents of the JSP tag libraries provided by Liferay Portal.

JCP Participation

Liferay is leading the new JSR 378 (Portlet 3.0 Bridge for JSF 2.2) Expert Group.

Liferay also participates as a member of the JSR 362 (Portlet 3.0) and JSR 372 (JSF 2.3) Expert Groups.

Project Leads

The Liferay Faces team is committed to developing high-quality software, participation in JCP standards, and answering questions in the forums for our customers and the open source community.

Neil Griffin

Liferay Faces Team Lead, Spec Lead for JSR 378

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Vernon Singleton

Senior Software Engineer, Liferay


Kyle Stiemann

Software Engineer, Liferay
