Live Sessions

Live streaming of technical topics for Liferay Developers

You will find past session replays here. You can also find them on our YouTube channel.

20140812 - Bruno Farache - Mobile SDK

Building a mobile app with the Mobile SDK

When: 12 August 2014 @ 1400 GMT

Led by: Bruno Farache

The Liferay Mobile SDK is a framework for building native mobile apps that integrate with your different Liferay Portal instances and their portlets.

In this session, Bruno will walk through the steps of building a mobile app that integrates with Liferay through the Mobile SDK.

You will also learn to use a typical mobile development application stack, including Android SDK and Android Studio.

Pre-Session Setup and Needed Materials
  • Have Liferay 6.2 CE GA2 installed and running on your local machine (the same one you are using for the below tools)
  • Install Android Studio 0.8.2 - Download 0.8.0 first, then click "Check for updates..." after you launch it to get to 0.8.2.
    • Within Android Studio, you must install Android SDK API Level 19 (corresponding to Android version 4.4.2) - to do this, click the Configure button in Android Studio startup screen to launch the SDK Manager, and follow these instructions to get the required bits including API Level 19 items).
    • NOTE: If you have prior experience developing Android apps (and therefore have the Android SDK already installed), you do not need to re-install these components - you can configure the path to your existing Android SDK once you create a project, using the "Project Structure" preferences, to avoid a lengthy download.
  • Download Liferay Android SDK (it's a small JAR file - just have it handy as it will be used during the session)

Customizing and Extending Export/Import and Staging

When: 9 September 2014 @ 1400 GMT

Led by: Máté Thurzó

If you have ever wanted your own plugin to work with staging, or export/import, this is your session. We will go through the steps of creating export/import support for any plugin with multiple service-generated entities, including reference handling, and conditional exports.

Also we are going to check a few uncommon scenarios how to further customize built-in portal staging logic.


Pre-Session Setup and Needed Materials