Liferay Push

  • Final Version: No new versions will be available for this app. Support for this app will end at the EOSL date.
  • Enterprise Subscribers Only: 點擊訂購來查看如何訂購。
  • 實驗室: This app is experimental and not supported by the developer.

Liferay Push exposes a framework that lets developers send push notifications from Liferay Portal to native Android and iOS apps. By leveraging Liferay Push, you can ensure that your users know about the latest information on your portal no matter where they are.

Liferay Push also includes a Control Panel portlet that can send test push notifications to ensure that it is working properly.

Liferay DXP 7.1 Liferay Push v3.0.1 is compatible with 7.1 Fix Pack 18+.

Liferay Push 1.x is a Lab application and is not supported by Liferay.

