
Overview :

Liferay come up with Document and Media & Add as a Friend facility. It has various features like comment, rating etc. But it doesn't have any feature through we can tag images with our friends in the organization or outside.

Tag User is a plugin which is integrated to tag images with people in the organization or outside the organization with help of Document and Media Portlet.

With help of this component one can tag his/her friends by images. User can navigate to tagged user's profile if user does exists in the organization.

Features :

Area Selection - You can select image area with help of a rectangle.
Drag Area - Selected area is drag-gable.
Re-size Area - Selected are could be re-sized.
Auto Complete - Plugin is less with auto complete feature, all user's which are active in the system will fill the list.
Backspace - With typing space you can remove all of your tags one by one.
User Navigation - If user does exists in the system then by clicking on user's name you can navigate to his public profile.
Activity - You can see this activity in activities portlet and can navigate to user's profile and that tagged image.

Build Process :

Put the war in auto deploy folder of Liferay.
After successful deployment of plugin, cut tag-user-hook-service.jar from WEB-INF/lib of webapp and paste it to tomcat/lib/ext.
Restart your Liferay server.

References :

