Liferay Plugin for OAuth 2.0

OAuth 2.0 is an industry-standard authorization protocol. Users can seamlessly share select credentials from another website to log into yours. It works by authorizing password-less access to portions of user-owned resources (such as an email address, a user profile picture, or something else from your account) and other permissioned resources.

This app is released and patched through regular Fix Pack and Service Pack releases in DXP 7.1 FP17+ (SP4+) and DXP 7.2 FP5+ (SP2+) as of Liferay Support's fix delivery method has changed from Hotfix LPKG to standard Hotfix.
  • DXP 7.1 FP17/SP4 includes v1.1.2
  • DXP 7.2 FP5/SP2 includes v2.0.3
