I have a problem, I try to use it on a liferay 7.4 instance but it tells me that it is not compatible when I search for it in my purchases.
Newsletter 7
- 安全性已启用: 此App使用 Liferay的 PACL安全管理器。
- defining topic (mailing lists)
- defining subscribers
- using topic subscriptions
- using Liferay roles
- using Liferay user groups
- as coma separated modules
- message templates
- scheduling
- periodical newsletters
- asset publisher based newsletters
- attachements (document library integration)
- as attached file
- as link to Liferay
See detailed instruction in attached manual.
7.4 support is added
- Index Checker
- Jorge Diaz
- 免费
- Ascensio Sy...
- 免费
- Instant Mes...
- DeltaFixes ...
- 免费
- Control Pan...
- Olaf Kock
- 免费