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Eli Miz
configuration and install scripts
2013年8月12日 下午12:06

Eli Miz

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2013年8月11日


Hi Guys,

Prior to starting the portlet we developed; you need to perform some configuration steps with JNDI on either tomcat or JBOSS.

How do we attach the configuration files with the portlet in the app manager?

David H Nebinger
RE: configuration and install scripts
2013年8月12日 下午1:19

David H Nebinger

等级: Youngling

帖子: 44

加入日期: 2006年9月1日


Personally I'd recommend using some other method for handling customization...

When I download a plugin, I want to see it download and run within my container. I'd be reluctant to use one that forced a whole container restart, because that means I'm suffering an outage...
Eli Miz
RE: configuration and install scripts
2013年8月12日 下午1:46

Eli Miz

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2013年8月11日


our app is a "in-memory" service application (but their is one table with a good deal of data used for personalization) and we don't use service builder; surely the marketplace can accommodate 5 minute configuration process.
David H Nebinger
RE: configuration and install scripts
2013年8月12日 下午2:17

David H Nebinger

等级: Youngling

帖子: 44

加入日期: 2006年9月1日


You might not blink at a 5 minute outage, but I'd have folks beating on my door if our site was down...

Note I speak for myself, and not Liferay or other marketplace downloaders...

For only a single entity, a SB implementation would not seem to be that big of a deal... An alternative would, of course, be portlet preferences. A nice little prefs page for admins to set what they want, apply to the portlet, no SB or JNDI config required, and no outages on my end to deal with...

Just a suggestion...


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