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Corné Aussems
Pending state
2013年1月29日 下午1:32

Corné Aussems

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2006年10月3日


I know the process
Not Submitted -> Submitted -> Pending QA -> Approved (or Denied).

According to an email received there is also "Version Unsubmitted"

Dear Corné Aussems,

Your application, Dutch Translation, has had its status recently updated.

Status changed to: Version Unsubmitted

But i am "Pending" for 12 days and honestly there is not a lot to review on a Official Language Hook.
What is the deal here, i am worried my submission has not been notified or is pending some other issue i could easily solve.
Are we in a long queue (which would be a good thing (: )

Users/Customers complained to us on our Liferay Roadshow that there is nothing available in the Marketplace.

Can't we see somehow what is coming and not to create and publish redundant plugins?

Davide Piazza
RE: Pending state
2013年1月29日 下午2:18

Davide Piazza

等级: Youngling

帖子: 4

加入日期: 2012年8月14日


This is an interesting point.
It would be a nice feature to have plugins submission and review process tracked by JIRA.
Hitoshi Ozawa
RE: Pending state
2013年1月30日 上午4:56

Hitoshi Ozawa

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2010年3月23日


Why don't you just upload your plugin or your file to your own site instead of trying to upload it to liferay.com site?

Upload it your site for your users so it won't effect your reputation and just submit another one to the MarketPlace
and let liferay.com play around with getting their MarketPlace fixed.


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