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Cameron McBride
How to have one war targeting CE and EE?
2012年12月7日 下午1:19

Cameron McBride

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2012年7月11日


I have created one war for the marketplace which targets both 6.1.1 CE GA2+ and 6.1.2 EE GA2. The war deploys perfectly to both versions.

In my liferay-plugins-package.properties I have the following:

In the market account when I upload this war it shows that it is only for Liferay 6.1 CE GA2. Is it possible to have one war file that targets both versions on the marketplace or will I need to build a second copy with the 6.1.2 EE GA2 SDK?

附件: marketplace.png (4.0k)
James Falkner
RE: How to have one war targeting CE and EE?
2012年12月7日 下午2:00

James Falkner

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2010年9月17日


Cameron McBride:
I have created one war for the marketplace which targets both 6.1.1 CE GA2+ and 6.1.2 EE GA2. The war deploys perfectly to both versions.

In my liferay-plugins-package.properties I have the following:

In the market account when I upload this war it shows that it is only for Liferay 6.1 CE GA2. Is it possible to have one war file that targets both versions on the marketplace or will I need to build a second copy with the 6.1.2 EE GA2 SDK?

Instead of 6.1.1+,6.1.2+ try 6.1.1+,6.1.20+ (the version of EE is currently 6.1.20 and the extra 0 is important)


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