NABUCCO Script Center

NABUCCO Script Center is a generic solution for scripting in Liferay portals. Although scripting is generally possible in Liferay portals, our solution provides many additional features. These start with script management, continue with script scheduling and event interception, and finish with the formatting of reports and script execution results.

NABUCCO Script Center is based on the Liferay Script Engine and provides additional features based on that. Thus, on applying this solution, you stay compatible with Liferay. NABUCCO Script Center can, amongst others, be used to implement scheduler-based and model listener features without plugin overhead and the need to adhere to the traditional deployment process. It provides a flexible, fast, and cost efficient way to respond to requirements.

Visit the product website at if you want to learn more about NABUCCO Script Center. Additional scripts are also provided on that website.
