I downloaded a trial version (with license) and tried to install it on my local Liferay DXP 7.2 installation ( Liferay Digital Experience Platform 7.2.10 GA1 (Mueller / Build 7210 / May 13, 2019) Patch: dxp-9-7210).
When I put the .lpkg file into the deploy folder I'm getting the following error :
INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][AutoDeployDir:271] Processing Calendar Connector for Exchange polluce.lpkg
ERROR [fileinstall-C:/liferay/instances/intranet-bancastato/liferay-dxp-][LPKGBundleTrackerCustomizer:355] Rollback bundle installation for [it.smc.exchange.sync.backend_3.0.0 [1177], it.smc.exchange.sync.scheduler_3.0.0 [1179], it.smc.exchange.sync.storage.calendar_3.0.0 [1181], it.smc.exchange.sync.user.web_3.0.0 [1182], it.smc.exchange.sync.service_3.0.0 [1180], it.smc.exchange.sync.ews.shared_3.0.0 [1178], it.smc.exchange.sync.web_3.0.0 [1183], it.smc.exchange.sync.api_3.0.0 [1184]]
org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: it.smc.exchange.sync.backend [1177]_Bundle was filtered by a resolver hook._
If I try to install the app through Liferay App Manager, I can see in the logs the message:
INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][AutoDeployDir:271] Processing Calendar Connector for Exchange polluce.lpkg
but nothing happens.
Am I missing something?
Could you please provide me any hint?