Вместо русскоязычных букв в интерфейсе отображаются вопросительные знаки. Что-то с кодировкой перевода.
VK.com Single Sign On
VK.com (Vkontakte) is most popular social network in exUSSR countries (like Russia, Ukraine, Belarus,Kazakhstan and so on) with more then 200 millions users.
This plugin allows admins to configure Liferay for login via VK.com (like default Facebook implementation). To enable using this feature you need enable VK on portal authentication settings and specify your application credentials (need first to register application on vk.com).
Plugin supports both - Liferay 6.1 and 6.2 versions.
- Chroma Theme
- Daniel Reuther
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- Liferay CE ...
- Liferay, Inc.
- 免费
- Liferay CE ...
- Liferay, Inc.
- 免费
- Tori Forum
- Vaadin Ltd
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