Liferay UK User Group
Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from the United Kingdom
4th event
Liferay UK User Group - 6 November 2012 meet up #
Read the full report of the evening here!
Join us for an evening of tech presentations and talks about Liferay!
What's the programme?
Presentations will be screen-casted so you can enjoy them later online.
Programme of evening
- 6.45pm Event Introduction + Liferay News by Marc
- 7 Go round participants, name and organisation, why are they here.
- 7.10 What do members want their group to do?
Liferay presentations:
- 7.20 Open Player social gadget
- 7.50 Social Office test / feedback
- 8.10 Support session / Bring your liferay challenge
- 9.00 Closing
> Take the stage: If you'd like to share a brief presentation on any aspect of Liferay to the group please contact the organiser!
> LR technical issues or questions? Add a comment here so we can bring the issue on the day and try to come up with solutions
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