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donino pienni
Portlet plugin Icon in App manager Liferay 6.2 CE
2014年4月7日 下午12:05

donino pienni

等级: Youngling

帖子: 0

加入日期: 2011年7月2日



I plan to submit soonly a portlet plugin to the Marketplace. I would like to include an icon, but i have not yet found a guidance to do this. I noticed other portlet plugins have a liferay-releng.properties, and an image is placed in WEB-INF/releng/icons/90x90.png. I also found out in the source code of PluginSummaryBuilder, it was looking for an icon at WEB-INF/releng/icons/90x90.png. So i added my .png icon here with the recommended size 90 x 90. So far, so good.

But when i deploy manually the application (.war) in my portal, this icon is not displayed in the application manager screen, the default plugin image is displayed instead. I noticed it is the same for some existing marketplace plugins, for example see the screenshot attached: the knowledge-base portlet has an icon but Kaleo-web has the default icon, though they both have an image defined in their respective WEB-INF/releng/icons/90x90.png.

So here are my questions:

1/ Is there a documentation, or any blog post describing how to add an icon?

2/ Why some icons are not displayed in application manager, such Kaleo example?

Thanks in advance!

附件: liferay-icon.png (47.4k)


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