Key-Biz is an Open Source Company with expertise, experience and solutions java based. We realize enterprise portals, intranet sites and business functionality with Social, Collaboration & Knowledge Management, Content & Documental Management, BPM and Workflow. We rely on complete platforms based on Java standards. Business solutions for realize applications and websites, also in social and collaborative key, robust, secure and not tied to specific vendor technologies (open source). Key-Biz is Partner Bonita Soft (scope BPM, Business Process Management), Mongo DB (big data), Liferay (enterprise portal) eXo Platform (Social & Collaboration). Accademy Proven network of relationships with some of the most prestigious universities and italian research centers that share research and exchange educational and scientific activities. Research & Development Identification of innovative technologies and processes that can be implemented in the short and medium time, to increase the company's competence and economic performance of the core business activities. Evaluate in advance the business scenarios in the future function of technological development expected. Mob.Lab Working group for young talented in mobile for living a work-esperience innovative and rewarding.
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