
Since version 7.4, Liferay decided to archive the CAS support and remove it from the portal features. Instead, they advise using more modern protocols like SAML or OpenID. It sounds like a good strategy, but not all companies might be ready for that yet, and it would really be a shame to block Liferay's upgrade until the infrastructure/security team introduces SAML. Therefore I prepared...


Liferay has great integration tools with 3rd party authentication systems and thanks to the recent changes in Control Panel, they are much easier to configure than before. Some clients, however, have more specific requirements, which go beyond possible configuration options and require implementing custom modifications directly on the Liferay integration code. A quite common...


I recently started working on integrating Liferay with ElasticSearch + Logstash + Kibana, also known as ELK Stack. Every Liferay developer knows very well where to search for logs and what they exactly mean, but very few had time to look closer at the mechanism as a whole. Therefore, I decided that the first step will be to analyze current logging...


It is a common practice to embed Web Content Articles in a theme. Once Web Content's were embedded using Web Content Display portlet, nowadays we can use journalContentUtil which is already visible for theme developers: $journalContentUtil.getContent($groupId, $articleId, $viewMode, $locale, $theme_display) As usual, there are pros and cons of this approach: It...