Liferay UK User Group
Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from the United Kingdom
Liferay UK User Group event #3#
What's the programme?
- 6.45pm Event Introduction by Marc + Short Liferay News
- 7 Go round participants, name and organisation, why are they here.
- 7.10 What do members want their group to do?
- Liferay Talks:
- 7.40 Sarah Jennings (LGA and Liferay CE)
- 7.55 Mike MacAuley (Knowledge Hub)
- 8.10 Francois Mounier (Camden Council)
- 8.25 Bring your liferay problem - help with a solution
- 9.00 Closing
- 9 Discussion continues at the Pub nearby!
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