Liferay Austin User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from Austin

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Liferay Austin User Group Meetup #3 

Meetup Date:

October 23rd, 2012 (Tuesday) at 5:30pm CT


Xtivia Inc.

9020 North Capital of Texas Highway, Great Hills Corporate Center Building 1, Suite 240, Austin, Texas 78759

If you get lost and need help finding us, call 512-560-5811.


Do you provide a service to your enterprise customers, and your customers each have hundreds of users that you do not want to provision and administer? Do you want to rely on each customer doing their own user provisioning and you want Liferay to act as a Service Provider in a federated SSO setup? Or alternately, do you want your Liferay Portal to act as an Identity Provider for various third-party services that you use (such as or Google Apps)? Come hear Naidu talk about Liferay 6.1 and its SAML support in both Service Provider and Identity Provider scenarios.

Pizza, beer, and soda will be served at 6:30pm.

Meeting Minutes:

The meeting was a success with Naidu providing an excellent presentation on what to expect with Liferay 6.1's SAML support and the attendees asking some great questions on the topic. Once the presentation was done we proceeded to eat pizza and have some drinks. 

Naidu giving his presentation

Everyone enjoying some Austin's Pizza.

Naidu relaxing after a good talk.

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Vivek Agarwal

Vice President -...


Rujuan Xing

Membro completo

Henock Teffera

Membro completo

Ryan Averell Go Tan


Adam Spence

Enterprise Portal...

Sujay Shaunak

Membro completo

Gaurav Shah

Membro completo

Dennis Robinson

President & CEO

Keith O'Connell

Delivery Manager

Richard Ngo

Membro completo

Derek Nerenberg

Portal and Enterprise...

Govindan Nampoothiry

Membro completo

Stephen Mock

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Dinesh Mallam

Portal Administrator

bo li

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Rupa Kannan

Membro completo

Matthew Hanlon

Membro completo

Michael Hahn

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Joe Gorman

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Michael Freeman

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Maytal Dahan

Membro completo

Ron Bense

Enterprise Portal...

Bill B

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Sandeep Aradada

Membro completo

Vivek Agarwal

Vice President -...