I suggest adding a portlet as well; to eliminate need for a restart. Allow ad-hoc running of the configs.
Also, the XSD needs improvement; but in general, very nice job there.
This plugin allows you to setup your portal instance with standard objects as sites, users, groups, roles or custom attributes. Additionally to data creation it allows you to create relationships between these objects and also deletes these data using batch job. Filling a simple xml file solves the whole management of this data; it doesn’t require any knowledge of a particular SQL dialect used in your database system.
This plugin allows you to execute following operations.
1) Creation of data:
• Users
• Roles
• Communities
• Custom fields
• Pages
2) Creation of data relationships:
• User - Roles
• Community - Pages - Roles
• Custom field - Roles
3) Deletion of data:
• Users
• Roles
• Communities
• Custom fields
• Pages
These operations are useful for setting up a new portal instance or for a need of batch data management, i.e. for testing purposes.
• XSD scheme that allows you to configure all-important Liferay Portal data
• Standard Liferay Hook that uses configuration to setup database according to XML configuration