mimacom, the open source integrator, was founded in 1999. mimacom group currently employs around 150 members of staff, which are mostly project managers, Scrum Masters, IT consultants and software engineers. mimacom is located in Bern, Zurich, Valencia, Stuttgart, Vienna, Bratislava and Rome. With mimacom path, mimacom offers an integrated solution. From requirements engineering, to agile project execution, through service management according to ITIL, mimacom covers the entire software life cycle. From its inception mimacom has focused on developing open source software and JEE/Java products. The company has a cutting edge, functionally sophisticated range of products, and a highly efficient and powerful development platform for agile software development. mimacom has been ISO-9001:2008 certified since 2005, and has a differentiated quality assurance system for all core processes within the corporation (TQMi). In August 2012 mimacom has reached CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Level 5 and is currently the only company based in Switzerland with this level. mimacom maintains strong partnerships with leading national and international software houses. The company also has committer status in important communities such as Spring, ICEfaces and Liferay.

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Company Members' Activities

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


12 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


12 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


12 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


12 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


12 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


12 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


12 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


13 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、FrontPage を更新しました。


13 years ago

Jan Gregorさんが Liferay.com 内のwikiページ、Using Jackrabbit with Database を更新しました。


13 years ago
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