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yogesh chandra
MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/05/07 20:53

yogesh chandra

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 6

参加年月日: 2015/05/07


Please suggest me how i can publish my portlet on marketplace?
Patricia Draut
RE: MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/05/08 8:25

Patricia Draut

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 8

参加年月日: 2011/08/24


Hi Yogesh,

You just have to follow the steps and recommendations published on our Dev Network: https://dev.liferay.com/distribute/how-to-publish

Let us know if you have any questions about what is explained there!

yogesh chandra
RE: MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/05/12 3:37

yogesh chandra

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 6

参加年月日: 2015/05/07


Hi Patricia,

Thanks, for your valuable reply, now I'm facing problem while submitting the App, Error is.
Please Enter valid developer website,
can you please provide me some example of developer website URL's

Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Chandra
Patricia Draut
RE: MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/05/12 3:59

Patricia Draut

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 8

参加年月日: 2011/08/24


Hi Yogesh,

I'm glad the documentation was useful so far!

The developer is usually the author of the app, in this case - yourself! emoticon As part of the app documentation, we need a web page for our users to refer to if they are looking for more information about you. Some of our developers submit their GitHub account page, others have their own personal websites. To see these examples, you can browse though existing apps on the Marketplace that are submitted by individual developers.

To sum up, you have to choose a page that represents you the best.

Hope this helps,
yogesh chandra
RE: MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/05/12 5:05

yogesh chandra

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 6

参加年月日: 2015/05/07


Hi Patricia,

Thanks once again,
I give my GitHub account URL and its done, but after clicking next , Error is.
Portlet is temporarily unavailable.
is this because of App name or somthing else?.

Thanks & Regards
Yogesh Chandra
Patricia Draut
RE: MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/05/12 6:33

Patricia Draut

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 8

参加年月日: 2011/08/24


Hi Yogesh,

I don't have enough information to say why the error came up. Can you please take a screenshot before and/or after the submission?

You can also save your app as a draft with only partial information, for example, without uploading the actual app, just the description and meta data. This way we can narrow down the problematic part.

yogesh chandra
Social Activity
2015/05/21 5:42

yogesh chandra

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 6

参加年月日: 2015/05/07



Please give steps to add social activity in knowledge base-porltlet ,i m using liferay6.2.

Patricia Draut
RE: MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/05/22 2:35

Patricia Draut

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 8

参加年月日: 2011/08/24


Hi Yogesh,

Since this is a different topic, can you please post a new thread? It would be great if you had already started and made some attempts at it, we can assist you better if you have specific questions of where you are stuck. To get more experienced developers to look at your question, you can also ask on the Community Forums for example in this category.

I searched anyway to see if I can find something as a starting point. Unfortunately, there is no documentation on the Developer Network about this topic specifically, there is only a recent thread on Stack Overflow (mentioning an old Liferay.com community wiki page). You can read it to see if it applies to your question.

Here are some other links that may be useful, even though they are not related to development:

Hope it helps,
yogesh chandra
RE: MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/06/15 3:52

yogesh chandra

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 6

参加年月日: 2015/05/07


My App is ready to publish on marketplace before publishing it on marketplace i want to know few points.
1.Is liferay review the code.
2.Coding standerds.
3. Package name standerd.
Patricia Draut
RE: MarketPlace portlet publish
2015/06/24 4:50

Patricia Draut

ランク: Youngling

投稿: 8

参加年月日: 2011/08/24


Hi Yogesh,

Sorry for the late answer! No, Liferay won't review the code, we will only review the metadata (app name, description, icon and so on) and test that the portal and your app both work well together.

On the other hand, Liferay does have naming standards for the app files. Let me quote from How to publish - preparing your app

WAR file names must conform to the following naming convention:


context_name: Alpha-numeric (including - and _) short name of your app. This name is used as the deployment context, and must not duplicate any other app’s context (you’ll be warned if you use a context name of any other app on the Marketplace).
plugin_type: one of the following: hook, layouttpl, portlet, theme, or web.
A.B.C.D: The 4 digit version of your WAR file. 4 digits must be used.
Example: myapp-portlet-

I hope this answers your question.

All the best,


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