The hook introduces a key social feature that allows portal users to discover more about other users on a simple hover over their profile image, that appears across the portal, without having to click and visit a users profile page.

The fields that will be displayed on the hovercard are:

Common friends
Email address (only primary)
Phone number (only primary)

The plugin is a customization of the <liferay-ui:user-display> tag, that means the feature will appear on all portlets where this tag is used. Some of the places where this could be found are:

Message Boards, Blogs and Wiki comments
Recent Bloggers
User statistics
Asset discussions

In order for the friends and common friends to be populated, the portal should have social networking portlets or custom portlets that allow connections and establishing relationships. In order to jump start, the Liferay Social Networking portlets can be downloaded, installed and made available to the portal users.
