Content Optimizer

Liferay Content Optimizer is a tool designed to optimize the content on
the Liferay Platforms by identifying the unused, hidden and unwanted
content items (web content, documents & pages). Post identifying, the
tool acts against the unwanted content by highlighting them to the
content owners and administrators so they can purge them.

List of Features
1) Search and identify unused & expired content with ease
2) Default view to watch the latest content statistics in a carousel format
3) Audit Logs tracking and Role Assignments assignments
4) Content Locator to help locate content anywhere within the portal with ease
5) Content Restriction feature to manage sensitive information
6) Content configuration & dashboard personalization
7) Set up for scheduling daily or weekly notifications with user statistics, group
8) Statistics & new content upload details
9) Easy content export
10) Activity counter tracking to track the activity of current users
11) Chart visualization to show case content review statistics for sites
