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Hitoshi Ozawa
App Quality
14 marzo 2013 1.09

Hitoshi Ozawa

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 23 marzo 2010

Messaggi recenti

I've tested some Apps in Marketplace. Some are good but others are not. For example, few of the portlets I tried would error out when I placed it in the home page and restarted liferay. Others has a logic to switch wording between different language in a jsp script even though there was also a file. Others had liferay version (liferay-versions) set only to 6.1.1 without the "+" sign nor 6.2.0+ so I wasn't able to deploy it because of unsupported version.

It seems is checking if there are Language property file or not but just wondering how much testing is actually being done. For example, I saw several portlet that still had messages hardcoded.

BTW, the way to get message to jsp from is as follows:

String tabNames = LanguageUtil.get(pageContext, "view.birthdays-events");

Also, it's good to localize date format in file because different language usually have different date format display. Setting date format in system environmental is not enough because some portlets require different date format.


String fmtString = LanguageUtil.get(pageContext, "");
pageContext.setAttribute("dateFormat", fmtString);

<td><fmt:formatDate value="${entry.birthDate}" pattern="${dateFormat}" /><br></td>
RE: App Quality
19 marzo 2013 14.42


Hi Hitoshi,

I'm from the QA department and while we do a minimal of functionality, setup, deployment testing, the primary resonsibility for ensuring the quality of an app lies with the original developer. If there are quality issues for a specific app, please post a review for the specific app in Marketplace or contact the developer directly, so the original developer or company can address the issue. If there are critical security issues or a portal breaking issues that you find, you can use the "Report Abuse" on the specific app page in Marketplace and we'll address it as soon as possible.
Hitoshi Ozawa
RE: App Quality
19 marzo 2013 23.56

Hitoshi Ozawa

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 23 marzo 2010

Messaggi recenti

Hi Christine,

That's what I thought. It's really better not to do anything or do the test fully. If you decide to do a full test, you'll probably have to teach developers how to fix.
Doing a partial testing raises expection.


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