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Mohamed Saleem
Post Logout Event is not calling
19 ottobre 2022 5.11

Mohamed Saleem

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 1

Data di Iscrizione: 16 dicembre 2015

Messaggi recenti

Hi, I have enabled Saml. I am able to signingIn but I hit c/portal/logout pre/post logout event is not calling. so I am not able to logout from liferay portal.

If any one knows please help .
Patricia Draut
RE: Post Logout Event is not calling
19 ottobre 2022 6.01

Patricia Draut

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 8

Data di Iscrizione: 24 agosto 2011

Messaggi recenti

Hi Mohamed, we are revamping the Marketplace site, and this forum is not active at the moment.

Can you please post your question on our Ask page:
or post it in the appropriate channel of the Liferay Community Chat:

As you do that, please add more information, such as your DXP version, the steps you used to enable SAML and if you see any errors in the logs or UI.

Best regards,


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