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Vinod Luhar
Error during Publishing LAR extenstion file (Web Content, DDL) Marketplace
15 luglio 2019 0.45

Vinod Luhar

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 2

Data di Iscrizione: 14 luglio 2019

Messaggi recenti

Hello Friends,
How can I upload WAR and LAR extension in Marketplace ?

I created an Liferay theme which contains theme (.war) and web content, public page (.lar).
In Liferay Marketplace, I can upload (.war) fil. When I try to upload .lar file (Web content, DDL) , i am getting an error.

"Journal-201907111207.portlet.lar is not a valid file type. Valid extensions are jar, war. "

Please check attached screenshot .

Allegati: error.png (13,6k)
Patricia Draut
RE: Error during Publishing LAR extenstion file (Web Content, DDL) Marketpl
15 luglio 2019 1.00

Patricia Draut

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 8

Data di Iscrizione: 24 agosto 2011

Messaggi recenti

Hi Vinod,

For adding content to a theme, please use the resources importer:

Additionally, can you please post future questions in the community forums, for example in this category:
This part of Marketplace is in process of being removed.

Thank you,
Vinod Luhar
RE: Error during Publishing LAR extenstion file (Web Content, DDL) Marketpl
22 luglio 2019 3.14

Vinod Luhar

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 2

Data di Iscrizione: 14 luglio 2019

Messaggi recenti

Thanks mam for quick reply. I have imported "Structure" and"Web content" using above link .
But I am facing problem in importing "Dynamic Data List" list records using SITEMAP.JSON. I didn't find any example

I have done below steps:
I created a folder structure and files(structure, page template) as below attachment(image), When i deploy theme, I get
a list( For Example: Portfolio).

My Question is how can i import list records of DDL using SITEMAP.JSON. ?
I tried everywhere but didn't find any solutions on to get list records of DDL list using SITEMAP.JSON.

Vinod Luhar

Allegati: import resource theme.png (58,8k)


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