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Marketplace Team
Error when adding portlet
20 settembre 2012 5.40

Marketplace Team

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 20 settembre 2012

Messaggi recenti


When clicked on Submit for Review following error occurs under Uploaded Plugin Files:
Please remove invalid files uploaded in any of the packages.

Any ideas what could be wrong? It's a simple portlet built with maven. I've tried to remove maven files from META-INF folder but still getting this error.
Aniceto P Madrid
RE: Error when adding portlet
22 ottobre 2012 4.22

Aniceto P Madrid

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 24 maggio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Not very explicit message, isn't it?
James Falkner
RE: Error when adding portlet
22 ottobre 2012 12.11

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Aniceto P Madrid:
Not very explicit message, isn't it?

Nope, it's not. See this thread for details. There is already a ticket filed against for this (I too have run into this).


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