Vista Combinata Vista Piatta Vista ad Albero
PACL, service builder and Marketplace Aniceto P Madrid 22 ottobre 2012 4.21
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Aniceto P Madrid 22 ottobre 2012 11.12
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Aniceto P Madrid 24 ottobre 2012 10.25
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Marcelo Aberastain 26 ottobre 2012 12.12
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Brian Kim 30 ottobre 2012 9.30
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Dzmitry Shaparau 30 ottobre 2012 11.13
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Alexey Kakunin 22 novembre 2012 11.24
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Alexey Kakunin 22 novembre 2012 11.29
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Aniceto P Madrid 25 novembre 2012 9.12
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Alexey Kakunin 26 novembre 2012 13.31
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Aniceto P Madrid 27 novembre 2012 2.09
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Marcelo Aberastain 27 novembre 2012 4.30
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace James Falkner 27 novembre 2012 14.51
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Alexey Kakunin 28 novembre 2012 3.30
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace James Falkner 29 novembre 2012 11.56
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Raymond Augé 7 gennaio 2013 5.09
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Aniceto P Madrid 7 gennaio 2013 7.50
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Raymond Augé 7 gennaio 2013 7.53
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Atul Patel 7 gennaio 2013 8.11
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Raymond Augé 7 gennaio 2013 8.15
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Alexey Kakunin 7 gennaio 2013 10.33
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Raymond Augé 7 gennaio 2013 11.02
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Alexey Kakunin 7 gennaio 2013 11.28
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Raymond Augé 7 gennaio 2013 16.56
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Alexey Kakunin 8 gennaio 2013 10.10
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace James Falkner 9 gennaio 2013 7.14
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Juan Gonzalez 9 gennaio 2013 23.33
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace James Falkner 10 gennaio 2013 6.19
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Marcelo Aberastain 11 gennaio 2013 7.12
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace James Falkner 11 gennaio 2013 14.14
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Davide Piazza 15 gennaio 2013 5.00
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace James Falkner 15 gennaio 2013 6.50
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Alexey Kakunin 9 gennaio 2013 23.48
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace Aniceto P Madrid 10 gennaio 2013 2.18
Aniceto P Madrid
PACL, service builder and Marketplace
22 ottobre 2012 4.21

Aniceto P Madrid

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 24 maggio 2008

Messaggi recenti

I am creating a service which uses 2 tables. I've put this properties in liferay-plugin-package-properties

8    commonstorage_app,commonstorage_appdata

but when deploying I always get this error

1Loading file:/D:/lrb/liferay-portal-6.1.1-ce-ga2/tomcat-7.0.27/temp/26-CommonStorage-portlet/WEB-INF/classes/
216:17:48,479 ERROR [pool-2-thread-10][ContextLoader:227] Context initialization failed
3org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'com.liferay.portal.kernel.spring.util.SpringFactoryUtil#0' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'serviceAdvice' while setting constructor argument with key [TypedStringValue: value [methodInterceptor], target type [null]]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'serviceAdvice' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'serviceMonitorAdvice' while setting constructor argument with key [TypedStringValue: value [nextMethodInterceptor], target type [null]]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'serviceMonitorAdvice' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'asyncAdvice' while setting constructor argument with key [TypedStringValue: value [nextMethodInterceptor], target type [null]]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'asyncAdvice' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'threadLocalCacheAdvice' while setting constructor argument with key [TypedStringValue: value [nextMethodInterceptor], target type [null]]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'threadLocalCacheAdvice' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'bufferedIncrementAdvice' while setting constructor argument with key [TypedStringValue: value [nextMethodInterceptor], target type [null]]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'bufferedIncrementAdvice' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'indexableAdvice' while setting constructor argument with key [TypedStringValue: value [nextMethodInterceptor], target type [null]]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'indexableAdvice' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'transactionAdvice' while setting constructor argument with key [TypedStringValue: value [nextMethodInterceptor], target type [null]]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'transactionAdvice' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/dynamic-data-source-spring.xml]: Cannot resolve reference to bean 'transactionAttributeSource' while setting constructor argument with key [TypedStringValue: value [transactionAttributeSource], target type [null]]; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'transactionAttributeSource' defined in ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/base-spring.xml]: Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException: Factory method [public static java.lang.Object com.liferay.portal.kernel.spring.util.SpringFactoryUtil.newBean(java.lang.String) throws com.liferay.portal.kernel.spring.util.SpringFactoryException] threw exception; nested exception is java.lang.SecurityException: Attempted to get bean property on class com.liferay.portal.kernel.spring.util.SpringFactoryUtil
4    at
5    at

I've tried also without '#0', bit it desn't work.

Any ideas?

I have performed a quest: I've installed Remote IDE and Social Office to see which configuration they have.
The outcome is easy: no Liferay app in the Marketplace have the security-manager enabled. If Liferay doesn't eat it's own dog-food, it will be difficult for developers to use it.
Aniceto P Madrid
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
22 ottobre 2012 11.12

Aniceto P Madrid

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 24 maggio 2008

Messaggi recenti

After a lot of tests I've got it work, even with a service clientin another portlet, not running with security manager enabled. These are the properties


Then I decided to drop the tables and install from scratch. And then issues began to appear:
- first tables couldn't be created. The reason is table names are case sensitive for the security mnager.
- second, it's impossible to create indexes, because SQLChecker only checks for tables. Indexes doesn't exist, therefore are forbidden, therefore Marketplace does not support ServiceBuider created services.

I can easily imagine why Social Office and other service based plugins work whithout security manager enabled.

Probably the plugin to disable the security manager in the control panel would be the solution: install the plugin with the security manager disabled and enable it later. The problem is no "plugin-security-manager-portlet" exists.
Aniceto P Madrid
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
24 ottobre 2012 10.25

Aniceto P Madrid

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 24 maggio 2008

Messaggi recenti

This is the log output

117:11:44,121 INFO  [pool-2-thread-1][ServiceComponentLocalServiceImpl:271] Running commonstorage SQL scripts
217:12:13,122 ERROR [pool-2-thread-1][SQLChecker:65] Unable to parse SQL create index IX_DAA40D14 on commonstorage_App (appId)
317:12:13,122 WARN  [pool-2-thread-1][BaseDB:416] Attempted to execute unapproved SQL create index IX_DAA40D14 on commonstorage_App (appId)
417:12:13,122 ERROR [pool-2-thread-1][SQLChecker:65] Unable to parse SQL create index IX_CA5298C4 on commonstorage_App (appName)
517:12:13,122 WARN  [pool-2-thread-1][BaseDB:416] Attempted to execute unapproved SQL create index IX_CA5298C4 on commonstorage_App (appName)
617:12:13,122 ERROR [pool-2-thread-1][SQLChecker:65] Unable to parse SQL create index IX_EE811906 on commonstorage_App (appName, secKey)

It seems JSqlParser likes indexes when they are created in the create table statement, but create them as an statement (and probably Alter Index, Rebuild, etc) won't like either.

Then... Will app with services be forbidden in the Marketplace? How long will it take to be fixed?
Workarounds are
- deploy an EXT-plugin
- release a new version of Liferay
- remove the security-manager requirement for service apps; maybe even show a warning in the app, but with the requirement of updated source code in Marketplace site

Marcelo Aberastain
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
26 ottobre 2012 12.12

Marcelo Aberastain

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 12 dicembre 2011

Messaggi recenti

Hi Aniceto,

I am also having problems with the security manager but i haven't seen any answer from LR staff . This is really frustrating. LR people, could you please give us some help??
Brian Kim
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
30 ottobre 2012 9.30

Brian Kim

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 16 agosto 2004

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Marcelo and Aniceto,

Let me see what I can do to get some folks to help out regarding PACL. Stay tuned.
Dzmitry Shaparau
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
30 ottobre 2012 11.13

Dzmitry Shaparau

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 5 ottobre 2012

Messaggi recenti

Hi Brian,

I also posted two questions related to PACL today. It would be great to get answer.
Thank you in advance!
Alexey Kakunin
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
22 novembre 2012 11.24

Alexey Kakunin

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 luglio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Same on our side. We had problems with portlet based on svnkit - but ok - this portlet used some thirdparty jar what do alot of staff (called shell commands, accesseв external urls and so on).

Then we desided to move on marketplace our simplers Liferay-Only portlet but used service builder - hoped since this portlet is not using anything outside liferay it should work.
But - we did not managed to make it working - because looks like PACL even do not support simplest service-builder based code emoticon

After month of questions without answers Liferay decided to make a team finally working on PACL problems - good sign. I think best way they can do - is to move all liferay portlets in Marketplace to use PACL. Best Liferay documentations - is Liferay sources - in this case we will able to use Liferay portlets as samples.
Alexey Kakunin
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
22 novembre 2012 11.29

Alexey Kakunin

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 luglio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Just a small sample - I even cannot get access to own service from service-builder generated Util class:

219:24:38,617 WARN  [http-bio-8080-exec-3][RuntimeChecker:256] Attempted to access declared members
319:24:38,621 WARN  [http-bio-8080-exec-3][ReferenceRegistry:42] Not allowed to get field _service for class ru.emdev.timetracking.service.TimeTrackingEntryLocalServiceUtil

Why I should configure access for my own classes located in same portlet?
Aniceto P Madrid
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
25 novembre 2012 9.12

Aniceto P Madrid

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 24 maggio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Hi Aleksey

There are ways to authorize get of fields. It's quite simple just put a linelike this in


where the valueof the property is a comma separated list of the allowed classes.

That is not the main problem with services. The main problem is PACL rejects CREATE INDEX statements. Fix in being reviewd, but not yet available.

Alexey Kakunin
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
26 novembre 2012 13.31

Alexey Kakunin

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 luglio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Hi Aniceto, yes, of course we tried to add it into security-manager-get-bean-property - but it does not help.
Even if we trying to ignore this problem - we met another. I've posted some PACL related issues into JIRA.

We did not met problem with indexes - but just because (probably) tables was created and initialized then PACL was not enabled.

"The main problem of PACL" it looks like never was tested with something more complex then simple "Hello World". We spent few days trying to make our quite simple plugin (Service Builder with one entity + list-detail-edit views with using MVCPortlet and search-container) working - but finally I've stopped this work. We cannot waste more time on it emoticon

Since I still do not see any third-party plugins in marketplace - we are not alone emoticon
Aniceto P Madrid
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
27 novembre 2012 2.09

Aniceto P Madrid

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 24 maggio 2008

Messaggi recenti

I agree with everything. Why Liferay publishes in Marketplace without PACL? Because it doesn't work.

Liferay guys are doing two things wrong about marketplace: keep tight control over apps and delay paid apps. And those are the things developers don't want. More than one year after the marketplace announcement and four months after the marketplace launch only Liferay is publishing.

They should think about this.
Marcelo Aberastain
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
27 novembre 2012 4.30

Marcelo Aberastain

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 12 dicembre 2011

Messaggi recenti

Hi Alexey , Aniceto,

I 100% agree with what you have said. This is really frustrating and disappointing. I think LR people should allow publishing plugins in the marketplace as they used to in the old community section. I mean, without security manager enabled at least up to the moment they make it work well.

I hope we can find a solution soon.

James Falkner
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
27 novembre 2012 14.51

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Marcelo Aberastain:
Hi Alexey , Aniceto,

I 100% agree with what you have said. This is really frustrating and disappointing. I think LR people should allow publishing plugins in the marketplace as they used to in the old community section. I mean, without security manager enabled at least up to the moment they make it work well.

I hope we can find a solution soon.


Hey all, for what it's worth, you can submit your apps today and test the complete user experience of someone who wants to download and use your app - we have about 20 so far, about half of which are going through QA right now (after which they will appear on the Marketplace), and the others have various issues (for example, poorly specified packaging directives, or typos in titles or descriptions) and we are working with those authors to correct and re-submit. We are still learning the best and most efficient way to process your apps, so keep them coming, and once we smooth out the process, the time it takes from submission to approval should go down.

Use cases for Liferay apps tend to be much different than consumer apps on mobile app stores (for instance), but like those other repositories, we want to ensure quality, compatibility, and security of apps (hence PACL and the QA process that was completely missing in the old community plugin repository). Trust me, we want to see these apps as much as you do, if not more!
Alexey Kakunin
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
28 novembre 2012 3.30

Alexey Kakunin

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 luglio 2008

Messaggi recenti

James, hi!
Actually - problem I see - is absence any real-world sample used PACL
For long time best documentation for Liferay development was Liferay source-code. Hopefully it is very clean and well-readable. All the time then I need to understand how to do something - I simple go to Liferay sources and see how liferay did it by themself.

Most people in this part of forum I'm pretty sure more or less expereinced with Liferay - so, all of them know how to work with Liferay sources.
It is why most people tried to see Liferay plugins to check PACL configuration and were confused by founding it is not using PACL at all.

Documentation we have - is not enough (overwise we will not have so many questions in forums) - it described some basic settings - but not answered real-world questions (like to use liferay tags you should add file-system permissions)

And no any real sample done by Liferay staff itself demonstrated what PACL is really working for any more or less real sample (few portlets with Service Builder and few views with using basic Liferay tags - searchContainer, aui:form, tag/category editors and ckeditor, probably something more).

It is why I'm (and some other people) disapointed.
But - you have plugins alredy submitted for publication - so, task is resolvable, mean we should continue to work. And - finally - we are one community - and hope in nearest time all questions will be resolved and marketplace will be finally full of many nice plugins (at least I see answers from Zzolt in JIRA - it is good sign!)
James Falkner
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
29 novembre 2012 11.56

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Alexey Kakunin:
James, hi!
Actually - problem I see - is absence any real-world sample used PACL
For long time best documentation for Liferay development was Liferay source-code. Hopefully it is very clean and well-readable. All the time then I need to understand how to do something - I simple go to Liferay sources and see how liferay did it by themself.

Most people in this part of forum I'm pretty sure more or less expereinced with Liferay - so, all of them know how to work with Liferay sources.
It is why most people tried to see Liferay plugins to check PACL configuration and were confused by founding it is not using PACL at all.

Documentation we have - is not enough (overwise we will not have so many questions in forums) - it described some basic settings - but not answered real-world questions (like to use liferay tags you should add file-system permissions)

And no any real sample done by Liferay staff itself demonstrated what PACL is really working for any more or less real sample (few portlets with Service Builder and few views with using basic Liferay tags - searchContainer, aui:form, tag/category editors and ckeditor, probably something more).

It is why I'm (and some other people) disapointed.
But - you have plugins alredy submitted for publication - so, task is resolvable, mean we should continue to work. And - finally - we are one community - and hope in nearest time all questions will be resolved and marketplace will be finally full of many nice plugins (at least I see answers from Zzolt in JIRA - it is good sign!)

I completely understand - not everyone can read and understand source, so it's vital to have good docs - and we have made huge improvements in the last few years and continue to do so. PACL is new to everyone, but an important part of the success of Marketplace, and we are all learning how best to use it. I'd be great to have millions of euros to pour into a 100-person team to fully document and test every possible scenario emoticon But as you know we don't, but I am hopeful that our collective experience over the next few months will yield better docs, better tools, and better understanding of Liferay in general.
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 5.09

Raymond Augé

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 febbraio 2005

Messaggi recenti

I'm on a mission this week to clear up a lot of PACL blockers related to missing information about how to use it's properties and in solving the key issues people have had.

I hope, with everyone's help we can get some forward momentum for you all. emoticon
Aniceto P Madrid
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 7.50

Aniceto P Madrid

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 24 maggio 2008

Messaggi recenti

That sounds like a task for IMF (Impossible Mission Force).

Anyway, until a new Liferay version be released, PACL and Service Builder won't work.

Good Luck!
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 7.53

Raymond Augé

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 febbraio 2005

Messaggi recenti

We already know it works because we've tested it (yes we did actually do testing for PACL... although in retrospect, we clearly didn't do enough).

The issue (now) is making usable. I'll try to address that.
Atul Patel
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 8.11

Atul Patel

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 12 gennaio 2012

Messaggi recenti

Good luck Ray!
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 8.15

Raymond Augé

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 febbraio 2005

Messaggi recenti

Thank you!

What I am working in right at this moment is resolving the base properties which are required for the configuration view of portlets as per
Alexey Kakunin
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 10.33

Alexey Kakunin

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 luglio 2008

Messaggi recenti

There is very simple way to help resolve problems with PACL and Service Builder: to make this sample plugin working with PACL enabled.

Actually - this plugin already have everything - service builder, search container, form to submit data, portlet.
If PACL is working (as promised) I hope to demonstrate such sample will be quite easy and will help to resolve A LOT of questions.
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 11.02

Raymond Augé

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 febbraio 2005

Messaggi recenti

That's a great idea. We can certainly do that!

If you fill a ticket and reference it here, I'll claim it and that way we can keep you all up to date.
Alexey Kakunin
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 11.28

Alexey Kakunin

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 luglio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Hm, I just found issues I had (like LPS-31182) is already fixed, but in 6.1 EE & 6.2 branches. Does it mean we will have working PACL only in 6.1 EE & 6.2, not in 6.1 CE?

but trunk versin of this sample plugin ( still has no security enabled. So, I hope in any case having security options enabled and PACL configured in sample plugins may be very helpful.

I've created ticket for it in JIRA: LPS-32124
Raymond Augé
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
7 gennaio 2013 16.56

Raymond Augé

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 febbraio 2005

Messaggi recenti

Alexey Kakunin:
Does it mean we will have working PACL only in 6.1 EE & 6.2, not in 6.1 CE?

This is a good question.

Answer: PACL only exists in 6.1EE+ (including 6.2). There is no PACL in 6.1 CE. Correction: Appologies, I need to correct that last. PACL exists since 6.1 CE GA2 (as well as since 6.1 EE GA2).

There is more info, but I will leave those details to powers that be who will update us in the very near future.
Alexey Kakunin
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
8 gennaio 2013 10.10

Alexey Kakunin

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 luglio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Hi Ray, thanks for correction! emoticon

OK, but there are some critical fixes - and without them it looks (for me) it is not possible to use PACL and place plugins into marketplace.
So, since fixes available only in EE & 6.2 branches - looks like it still will not be possible to place plugins into marketplace for using with 6.1 CE
James Falkner
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
9 gennaio 2013 7.14

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Alexey Kakunin:
Hi Ray, thanks for correction! emoticon

OK, but there are some critical fixes - and without them it looks (for me) it is not possible to use PACL and place plugins into marketplace.
So, since fixes available only in EE & 6.2 branches - looks like it still will not be possible to place plugins into marketplace for using with 6.1 CE

Hi all - you may have seen my recent blog post about a new community release dashboard. And if you inspect the dashboard (and I highly recommend you subscribe to changes via RSS), you'll see we have plans to release a 6.1 CE GA3 in this quarter (hopefully "early" this quarter, but I don't want to make any promises). This will contain ALL of the PACL issues found thus far from all of you, so that apps that require these fixes can be put into the Marketplace soon after the release. So, thanks to all of your testing and feedback, these issues will be resolved. I really wish we could have discovered these sooner, but we're learning (and in fact we will be using your apps as part of our testing process going forward). So I really appreciate everyone's help in discovering these issues!
Juan Gonzalez
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
9 gennaio 2013 23.33

Juan Gonzalez

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 28 ottobre 2008

Messaggi recenti

Those are great news James!

BTW, will only PACL bugs be in that release, or are you going to add some other ones?
Alexey Kakunin
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
9 gennaio 2013 23.48

Alexey Kakunin

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 7 luglio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Great news, thank you James!
Aniceto P Madrid
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
10 gennaio 2013 2.18

Aniceto P Madrid

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 24 maggio 2008

Messaggi recenti

Very good news.

Thanks James!
James Falkner
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
10 gennaio 2013 6.19

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Juan Gonzalez P:
Those are great news James!

BTW, will only PACL bugs be in that release, or are you going to add some other ones?

There will be more. Hopefully all of the ones you have fixed thus far in the LCE Patcher distro! But we are concentrating on the security and PACL issues, and major blockers for Marketplace (like that Spring one, LPS-29103). Once the backport has begun you'll see a new version in JIRA for GA3 and the fixed bugs will be marked as "Fixed-In" for that version.
Marcelo Aberastain
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
11 gennaio 2013 7.12

Marcelo Aberastain

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 12 dicembre 2011

Messaggi recenti


Would you be so kind to publish in advance a list of all the issues will be fixed in the GA3 release? This could help us a lot to see if GA3 will solve all our current problems or not. Even more, we could suggest to include some other road blocks if exist.

James Falkner
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
11 gennaio 2013 14.14

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Marcelo Aberastain:

Would you be so kind to publish in advance a list of all the issues will be fixed in the GA3 release? This could help us a lot to see if GA3 will solve all our current problems or not. Even more, we could suggest to include some other road blocks if exist.


Hey Marcelo,

Yep, once the version is added to JIRA you'll be able to see the list (even subscribe to it via RSS). It'll be updated continuously until the QA/release process begins. I expect the version to show up in JIRA soon (like, in a week or so).
Davide Piazza
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
15 gennaio 2013 5.00

Davide Piazza

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 4

Data di Iscrizione: 14 agosto 2012

Messaggi recenti

Hi James,
glad to hear such news.
Let me point to this issue we submitted to JIRA that prevents our app to work with security-manager enabled. Please add it to the GA3 list!

Any update on the timings of the process?

James Falkner
RE: PACL, service builder and Marketplace
15 gennaio 2013 6.50

James Falkner

Punteggio: Youngling

Messaggi: 0

Data di Iscrizione: 17 settembre 2010

Messaggi recenti

Davide Piazza:
Hi James,
glad to hear such news.
Let me point to this issue we submitted to JIRA that prevents our app to work with security-manager enabled. Please add it to the GA3 list!

It's already on the list emoticon This one was hit by a couple of other Marketplace developers too.

Any update on the timings of the process?


Nothing yet! Keep an eye on the release status dashboard.


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