Current Requirements
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA1+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA2+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA3+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA4+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA5+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA6+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 EE GA1+
- Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA4+
- Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA5+
- Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA6+
- Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA7+
- Liferay DXP 7.0 GA1+
Past Versions Work With
- Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA4+
- Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA5+
- Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA6+
- Liferay CE Portal 7.0 GA7+
- Liferay DXP 7.0 GA1+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA1+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA2+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA3+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA4+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA5+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 CE GA6+
- Liferay Portal 6.2 EE GA1+
Standard Licenses
- 1 Instance Unit 50,00 $ USD
- Subscription Services 50,00 $ USD
License Term
OMB BBS (Bulletin Boards System) Plugin is the plugin allowing users to read and write news or messages for their sites, and to leave comments to them. This plugin consists of three portlets: BBS Administration, BBS, and Mini BBS. BBS Administration on Control Panel manages bulletin boards with numerous options. Mini BBS provides the widget to collect the specified number of recent messages to provide the simplied view. And BBS is the main portlet for bulletin boards system with three module designs such as news, photo, and webzine.
Configurable Options:
- Multi-level categories
- Initial page and color scheme of board
- Sticky, secret and anonymous messages
- Three modular designs (news, photo, and webzine)
- Web editor for message body
- File count, size, extensions
- Comment configuration
- Mailing on adding messages and comments
- Items to display on View, Detail, and comment pages
- Model-level permission
- Fully responsive
- Using Liferay file store
- English, Korean, and Thai language pre-translated
- Please completely delete previous versions before you upgrade to new version.
- Added tags field which can be used on Search portlet.
- Fixed a few minor bugs on the previous version.
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