Liferay UK User Group

Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts from the United Kingdom


Welcome to the Liferay UK User Group! #

@LiferayUKUG #

As this is a local user group, we encourage you to share information and help increase awareness and adoption of Liferay in the UK. Our goal is to form a network of people in the UK who work with, have used, are investigating or are simply interested in Liferay.

Next Event: #

Community Meetup in London: 17th May - London


Hello Liferayers!

Let's get together in London for Liferay talks, free drinks and a bite to eat. 

Join us for an after-work evening of knowledge sharing, engaging discussions and, of course, a lot of fun. 

Places are limited so, please register! 


• Upgrading to Liferay 7: Matt Fulford - CTO at Pfiks

• To be confirmed (If you would like to suggest a topic, please send an e-mail to

Sponsored by Pfiks 

Register here


Latest news #

Don't worry if you missed out this time around - there will be plenty more as the group continues to grow and gain momentum!

Past meet ups #

See below for reviews of past meet ups!

  • March 2016 - Bristol
  • November 2015 - Dev Live Sessions UK 2016, London
  • April 2015 - Liferay Connected Services and Behaviour-Driven Development and Automated Browser Testing with Liferay.
  • February 2015 - Our first Liferay User Group meeting of the year!
  • October 2014 (London - Pre-LPSF Meetup 2014 - we rocked the boat!
  • June 2014 (Exeter) - 'Liferay and Digital Public Services': John Jackson (London Borough of Camden) on public sector Open Systems frameworks, national procurement strategy and the Open Source Alliance; Ben Brown and Adam Ziubrzynski (South Worcestershire Shared ICT Service) on designing responsive websites using Liferay and Bootstrap; Gavin Becket (Bristol City Council) on BCC's new digital platform applying GDS service standards; Rob Walsh (Simply Change) on Liferay implementations and upgrades (slides available here).
  • November 2013 (London) - Pre-LPSF social! Much fun was had by all.
  • October 2013 (Bristol) - Great turnout and great presos: 'Installing Liferay in the Jelastic Cloud', 'Integrating Orbeon Forms with Liferay Portal' and 'Using Vaadin 7 with Liferay'. Slides will hopefully be up soon!
  • August 2013 (Midlands) - A sneak peek at Liferay 6.2 beta, plus an excellent e-commerce integration with Liferay.
  • June 2013 (Leeds) - A fantastic meetup including two talks on  web/video conferencing on Liferay (with BigBlueButton) and automatic categorization using Liferay/Solr/Mahout. Email if you want the slides and she'll see what she can finagle.
  • May 2013 (Sheffield) - PUB QUIZ! Grand prize: Liferay Snuggie (actually)
  • March 2013 (London) - Talks: An intro to Liferay Sync and securing Liferay (check out the video!)
  • January 2013 at LGA
  • 19 November 2012 social
  • 6 November 2012 meet up (read the full report here!)
  • September 2012 meet up (click here for a nice report on the event by community member Stian; find all videos, podcasts, photos and summary here!)
  • July 2012 meet up
  • June 2012 meet up

Documentation and help #

Moyenne (1 Voter)
L'estimation moyenne est de 5.0 étoiles sur 5.


Richard Hering

Membre à part entière

Ben Brown

Technology Manager


Dimitrios Zigkos

Membre à part entière

Ceri Wild

LGA Corporate Website...

Ernout van der Waard


Siva Reddy

Liferay Developer

Hardik Pathak

Membre à part entière

Lanre Ogunbayo

Membre à part entière

Elinor Ni Chathain

Membre à part entière

richard naoufal

Membre à part entière

Laban Mwansa

Product Technical Trainer

Chris Morris

Membre à part entière

Kathryn Manning

Membre à part entière

Andrew Long

Membre à part entière

Robin Keith

Head of Web and...

Simon Kehoe

Membre à part entière

Sarah Jennings

Membre à part entière

Paul Hussein

Membre à part entière

Faisal Hossain

Web Systems Manager

Kristian Hibberd

Membre à part entière

Richard Hering

Membre à part entière

Matt Fulford

Membre à part entière

Liz Copeland

Membre à part entière

Ben Collins

Membre à part entière

lou cat

Membre à part entière

Paul Brown

Membre à part entière

Ben Brown

Technology Manager

Aniket Bharambe

Solution Architect

Mark Berthelemy

Managing Director

John Baker

Membre à part entière

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Membre à part entière