Liferay Montreal User Group
Rencontrer et discuter avec des développeurs, des utilisateurs et des passionnés de Liferay à Montréal, Quebec, Canada. Meet and engage with Liferay developers, users, and enthusiasts in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
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News #
(En français) #
Upcoming Events #
April 2017 #
- Sixth meetup with Raymond Augé as our speaker.
August 2016 #
- Restart group's activities by organizing its 4th meeting.
September 2013 #
- Third meeting.
April 2013 #
- Our second meetup is held on Wednesday April 24 at 18:00 at the Hotel Omni Mont-Royal.
March 2013 #
- The Liferay Montreal User Group community pages are reorganized in order to increase readability, and more information is added, including photos from the first meetup.
- Planning for the next meetup is underway.
February 2013 #
- Our first meetup is held on Wednesday February 13 at 17:30 at Savoir-faire Linux.
- The Montreal user group's video is featured on the Liferay User Groups front page.
- Savoir-faire Linux releases an official announcement and a video with details on the Liferay Montreal User Group and its conception.
January 2013 #
- The Liferay Montreal User Group is officially launched as details are added to the community pages. People interested are invited to join the group.
December 2012 #
- The Liferay Montreal User Group is started to bring together Liferay enthusiasts located in and around Montreal.
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