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Renato Willi
Liferay Marketplace App Contest
20 de abril de 2013 7:47

Renato Willi

Ranking: Youngling

Mensajes: 0

Fecha de incorporación: 16 de octubre de 2009

Mensajes recientes

Hi everybody,

How do I find my submissions for the App Contest?

Will we be able to update them?

How will we link the submission to the App at the Marketplace?

James Falkner
RE: Liferay Marketplace App Contest
20 de abril de 2013 10:43

James Falkner

Ranking: Youngling

Mensajes: 0

Fecha de incorporación: 17 de septiembre de 2010

Mensajes recientes

Renato Willi:
Hi everybody,

How do I find my submissions for the App Contest?

Will we be able to update them?

How will we link the submission to the App at the Marketplace?


The contest submissions are linked to the actual app via the app's name (which must be unique in the Marketplace). So, there's really no reason to update the "contest submission" unless you want to withdraw your contest entry (in which case, contact Of course, you can always update the app itself. If you do wish to update your contest entry, contact also.


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