Liferay Portal EE Trial Forums

Got an EE Trial and have a question? Use this forum to get help with your Liferay EE Trial and learn from the experts.


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caappa caappa
how can I access the EE market from a trial account?
17 de Janeiro de 2013 05:17

caappa caappa

Ranking: Youngling

Mensagens: 1

Data de entrada: 10 de Janeiro de 2013

Mensagens recentes

how can I access the EE market from a trial account, I want to test the private plugin installer or Marketplace Plugin.
James Min
RE: how can I access the EE market from a trial account?
17 de Janeiro de 2013 11:21

James Min

Ranking: Youngling

Mensagens: 9

Data de entrada: 14 de Agosto de 2006

Mensagens recentes

Unfortunately, there is no mechanism in place yet for Trial Users. Email and they can provide you some links. The Marketplace plugin should come included in the Trial bundle.
Daniel Tyger
RE: how can I access the EE market from a trial account?
22 de Outubro de 2013 15:29

Daniel Tyger

Ranking: Youngling

Mensagens: 1

Data de entrada: 22 de Outubro de 2013

Mensagens recentes

caappa caappa:
how can I access the EE market from a trial account, I want to test the private plugin installer or Marketplace Plugin.

Both of these items are available to the community edition. If you installed the CE version, you could become familiar with how the Marketplace works.